Name Start Address Type Access
- Address: 4008
Time in microseconds to allow signals to settle after switching the mux. Does not apply to the 1st channel in the scan list, as that settling is controlled by scan rate (the time from the last channel until the start of the next scan). Default=0. When set to less than 1, automatic settling will be used. The automatic settling behavior varies by device.
  • Data type: FLOAT32  (type index = 3)
  • Readable and writable
  • Default value: 0
  • T8:
    • Ignored. The T8's analog input chain does not rely on settling time.
  • T7:
    • The T7 will select the settling time based on resolution and gain settings. When the sample rate is above 60 kHz, settling time will be set to ~5 us. Max is 4400.
  • T4:
    • The T4 will default to 10 us. When the scan rate is above 20 kHz, settling time will be set to 5 us.
- Address: 4010
The resolution index for stream readings. A larger resolution index generally results in lower noise and longer sample times.
  • Data type: UINT32  (type index = 1)
  • Readable and writable
  • Default value: 0
  • T8:
    • T8 description 0-16. A value of 0 will use the best resolution for the specified data rate.
  • T7:
    • Valid values: 0-8. Default value of 0 corresponds to an index of 1.
  • T4:
    • Valid values: 0-5. Default value of 0 corresponds to an index of 1.